Many lenders expend a great deal of effort and money ordering a traditional appraisal for home equity loan evaluations, or to meet the need of the Interagency Guidelines requiring annual valuation/property condition reports. That’s why we created MACR, a streamlined solution.
MACR is a product tailor-made for HELOC lenders/lien holders/servicers. It provides a comprehensive look at a property’s condition, neighborhood and value with the best available data tools, combined with a physical onsite inspection performed by a professional home inspector. MACR has a 48-72 hour national turntime and a low, flat rate.
“We recommend Triserv’s services to any lending institution seeking a quality AMC that exceeds current compliance requirements, is easy to work with, and provides great customer service.”
Not only is MACR available nationwide, the inspector network is annually background checked and consists of appraisers, home inspectors and general contractors. It meets Interagency Guidelines for evaluation of loan amounts under $250,000.